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About Me

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My name is Débora. I am a person who has passion for animals, for the Nature and health. I am Brazilian and thankfully living in Austria since 2008. I discovered my connection with Nature when I was still a child. I was just in my essence when I was playing around with plants, spiders and cicadas in my mom’s garden. I was amazed by the small animals and plants. My days I spent making "medicines for my mom" with her flowers and plants (I am glad she didn't really drink it), and by having spiders as pets! My childhood influenced my further work-life. As a biologist, I built an academic career in interdisciplinary areas. 


During my formation and scientific work in the area of infection diseases, I also learned about the interaction of our body with our environment. Also, how can we improve our life with methods that give us more energy and joy.  


Here a brief description of my career until now:


Bachelor in Biology 

Master of Science in Cellular and Structural Biology 

PhD in Biomedical Science 

Habilitation (Venia Docenti) in Microbiology

Certified Human Energetics 

Certified YESolution Trainer

Degree in Orthomolecular Medicine


I am glad you are here!





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